International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2024, Vol 34, Num 1 Page(s): 117-126
The Risk Factors, Premalignant Lesions and Chemoprevention Oral Cavity Cancers

Banu ÖZTÜRK1, Uğur COŞKUN1, Emel YAMAN1, A. Osman KAYA1, Ramazan YILDIZ1, Mustafa BENEKLİ1, Süleyman BÜYÜKBERBER1

Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Onkoloji Bilim Dalı, Ankara, TURKEY

Keywords: Oral cancer, Premalignant, Chemoprevention
The frequency of oral squamous cell carcinoma is increasing worldwide. The major risk factors are smoking and alcohol. The other etiologic factors are genetic factors, viral pathogens, nutritional habits. Oral premalignant lesions especially oral leukoplakia can transform into malignant lesions. Despite the advances in therapy, prognosis of oral cancers remains poor. Nowadays early detection of premalignant lesions and primary and secondary chemoprevention strategies of oral cancers are investigated. There were many studies about oral cancer prevention with the use of vitamins (retinoids, beta caroten, alpha tokopherol), and COX inhibitors, and its chemopreventive effects.