International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2024, Vol 34, Num 1 Page(s): 063-068
The Prognostic Significance of Comorbidity and Relation of Comorbidity with the Other Prognostic Factors in Patients with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

M. Alpaslan ÖZGÜN1, Bülent KARAGÖZ1, Oğuz BİLGİ1, E. Gökhan KANDEMİR1, Orhan TÜRKEN2

1GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi, Medikal Onkoloji Kliniği, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE
2Maltepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Medikal Onkoloji Bilim Dalı, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE

Keywords: Non small cell lung cancer, Comorbidity
Comorbidities often be encountered in lung cancer patients. However, the relationship between lung cancer and comorbidity has not been investigated sufficiently yet. In this study, the prevelance of comorbidity in 358 patients with non small cell lung cancer diagnosed in Gülhane Military Medical Academy Haydarpaşa Training Hospital was reviewed and its association with other known prognostic factors and impact of comorbidity on the prognosis was investigated. Comorbidity was significantly correlated with age, disease stage and performance status (p= 0.0001). There was no association of comorbidity grade with sex and histopathological type (p= 0.9, p= 0.5). Univariate analysis demonstrated significant associations between overall survival and comorbidity, as well as, age, disease stage, performans status and histopathological type (p= 0.00001). In multivariate analysis, high comorbidity grade, as independent from the other prognostic factors, influences overall survial negatively (p= 0.0001). As a result, it was found that comorbidity is an independent poor prognostic factor in patients with non small cell lung cancer.