International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2024, Vol 34, Num 1 Page(s): 135-140
Change in Blood Coagulation Parameters After Total Body Irradiation

Mustafa CENGİZ1, Hakan GÖKER2, Gözde YAZICI1, Faruk ZORLU1, Yahya BÜYÜKAŞIK2, Şerafettin KİRAZLI2, Ümit AKMAN2, Ferah YILDIZ1, Ali DOĞAN1, İbrahim C. HAZNEDAROĞLU2

1Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, ANKARA
2Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Hematology, ANKARA

Keywords: Total body irradiation, Coagulation system, Thromboelastography, Platelet function, Clot formation
We aim to test the changes of coagulation parameters after the TBI by thromboelastography. Eleven patients who underwent TBI between march 2005 and march 2006 in our department were included in this study. Blood samples were taken from all patients immediately before the delivery of TBI and 12 hours after the completion of TBI. Complete blood counts, partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), prothrombin time (PT), and the fibrinogen levels were measured. FIB-EXTEM, extrinsic (TEG-EXTEM), intrinsic (TEG-INTEM) clotting pathways, and platelet functions were measured by rotational thromboelastogram (ROTEM). All measured parameters were compared by using wilcoxonpaired test.

There was no difference in the PT, aPTT, thrombin and thrombocyte counts before and after TBI. However, maximum clot firmness was decreased after TBI in FIBTEM measurement (18.6 vs 15.5, p<0.05). The clot formation time was also significantly prolonged (115.8 vs 121.7 seconds, p<0.05 ) and maximum clot firmness was decreased in EXTEM measurements. The fibrinogen levels were significantly decreased after TBI.

Our results demonstrated that the clot formation was significatly decreased in the early period after TBI. Prolongation of clot formation time and decrease in maximum clot firmness in extrinsic pathway after TBI indicates disturbance in platelet functions.