International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2024, Vol 34, Num 1 Page(s): 062-066


Ankara Numune Hastanesi, Nöroloji Kliniği, ANKARA

Keywords: diabetes, polyneuropathy, platelet aggregation, platelet functions
This study was planned to determine the platelet aggregation responses to collagen in type II diabetic sensorial polyneuropathic patients. Blood samples were taken from the all subjects of the both patient group and healthy control group in 8-10 AM. Mean blood platelet numbers were found as 282 600 ± 47 640 /mm3 in healthy volunteers and 347 900 ±42 190 /mm3 in diabetic polyneuropatic patients. Difference between the platelet counts of diabetic sensorial polyneuropathic patients and of healthy volunteers wasn't statistically significant. Maximum extent of platelet aggregation of control subjects and diabetic polyneuropathic patients was determined from platelet aggregation curve induced by collagen and found as 6.90 ± 1.92 ohm and 15.80 ± 3.73 ohm respectively. The mean maximum platelet aggregation extent of diabetic polyneuropathic patients was significantly higher than that of the control subjects. The mean values of maximum aggregation rate of healthy volunteers and patient group were 4.13 ± 1.37 ohm/min and 10.60 ± 3.70 ohm/min respectively. The difference between the value of maximum aggregation rate of both groups was found as significant. Up to date, obtained data from clinical studies has been emphasized that vascular events are able to play the important role in genesis of diabetic polyneuropathy. It was accepted that damage of neurovascular wall which was determined by ultrastructural examination, was stimulated the in-vivo platelet activation and microaggregate formation. It was thought that microthrombus formated in the vascular lesions could be one of the main causal factor for decreasing of vascular perfussion of peripheral neurons, the lost of neuronal functions and even if growing of irreversible neuronal changes. The data obtained from this in-vitro study were indicated that in diabetic patients suffered from the sensorial type polyneuropathy, the tendency to platelet aggregation became as independent from vessel injury. Reach to any definitive opinion about antiaggregan therapy can be benefit or not for prevention of the genesis of diabetic sensorial polyneuropathies, can be possible by doing the more detail research and long term observation.